COVID-19 Remote Work Readiness Tools Onboarding

Using the COVID-19 Remote Work Readiness Audit & Self Assessment.

Your Onboarding Goal:

Show Leadership with Technology in a difficult time. Demonstrate clarity, leadership and professionalism with clear communication through the crisis when it matters most.

Your Onboarding goal:

1. To generate three client roadmaps with $10,000 budget in 10 days with the Audit tool.

2. To qualify 10 more clients or prospects for additional Audits & Roadmaps with the Self-Assessment tool


  1. Access the COVID-19 remote work readiness assessment tools
  2. Decide your COVID-19 Remote Work Readiness approach: Audit & Roadmap or Self Assessment?

Audit Tool Onboarding Action Steps:

1. Generate $10,000 budget in 3 roadmaps with the Audit tool

The Audit tool is ideal to generate client roadmaps with budgets.

  1. Learn how to use the COVID-19 Remote Work Readiness Audit
  2. Create 3 clients in the tool and add the COVID-19 Remote Work Readiness Audit Report to each
  3. Complete the Audit Scores for each client to see the issues and opportunities
  4. Complete the Audit Project Roadmaps by adding projects to the roadmaps
  5. Add budgets to the projects to the sum $10,000
  6. Create a snapshot and share with the clients online

2. COVID-19 Remote Work Readiness Audit Software Best Practices

Here you can learn best practices on how to get the most out of the Audit tool

Self-Assessment Grader Tool Onboarding Action Steps:

1. Qualify 10 clients or prospects to Audits with the Self-Assessment tool

The Self-Assessment tool is ideal to qualify clients or prospects to get more audits and roadmaps.

  1. Learn how to use the COVID-19 Remote Work Readiness Self Assessment
  2. Install the grader button or the lead magnets to your website
  3. Add a landing Page with Infographic to the COVID-19 Remote Work Self Assessment
  4. Promote the graders among 20 of your clients using an email template
  5. Promote the graders to Social Media to capture potential leads
  6. Check completed graders

2. Covid-19 Remote Work Readiness Self Assessment Software Best Practices

Here you can learn best practices on how to get the most out of the Self-Assessment tool

Help if you stuck:

If you get stuck don’t worry; search in help, ask us in chat, peek in the community discussions or access us in a 1-1 meeting or live training.
  1. I can’t add the COVID Solution Set or access the tools
  2. How to update reports, graders and projects to the latest version

Access to help:

  1. Access the community for help
  2. Sign up for Live Training
  3. Schedule a meeting with your Member Success Manager