Import Connectwise Projects / Opportunities to Roadmaps

Create new or link to existing Client Projects from Connectwise Opportunites and Pojects.

1. Select a client and choose the Delivery Tab then choose Connectwise

2. The client in Managed Services Platform must be linked to a client in CW

If the client was imported from Connectwise this is taken care of. If not you are able to select a client from Connectwise to link them together.

3. Access the Connectwise Opportunity / Project by clicking on the title

4. Create a new or link to an existing project

If you choose Create new Managed Services Platform Project then you can create a new project in the client Project Roadmap. Start from scratch or use an existing project template from your library.

If you choose Link existing Managed Services Platform Project then you have to select one of the existing client projects in the current roadmap. This is good when the opportunity / project already exist in both systems, so you only need to link them together.

After the successful link you will see the Opportunity/Project with a chain icon indicating the live link.

You can also see this link in the Client Project Roadmap where you can access the Connectwise Opportunity / Project by clicking the icon.

If you are in Delegate / Team Plan you can use the two way sync to keep the Opportunities and Projects sync between Connectwise and Managed Services Platform