1. Knowledge Base | Humanize IT
  2. COVID-19 Tools
  3. Covid-19 Remote Work Readiness Self Assessment

Landing Page, Infographic, Email templates to COVID-19 Remote Work Tools

Additional collaterals for promoting and explaining the Remote Work Assessment tools for clients and prospects


You can embed the iframe to your website to give an interactive experience to clients. This infographics has the same 5 Categories as the Self Assessment or the Audit.

  • Landing Page for your Self Assessment Grader
  • Content Widget of the Report Audit
  • Self Assessment Grader Starting Page / Thank You Page
  • Screenshot of the image in email (email cannot have iframe)

Use the html code below:

<div style="width: 100%;"><div style="position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; padding-top: 0; height: 0;"><iframe frameborder="0" width="1200px" height="675px" style="position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%;" src="https://view.genial.ly/5e72cc087d7d100f5fcacf20" type="text/html" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" scrolling="yes" allownetworking="all"></iframe> </div> </div>

Landing Page

This is a single page on your website to access the COVID-19 Remote Work Readiness Assessment. You can use this text to quickly add it to your page with the infographic.

At the [Your MSP] our focus has been on providing businesses with the knowledge and guidance to align their business technology with their business initiatives to support a culture of innovation and success.

As COVID-19 continues to cause disruption and uncertainty in our daily lives and business, we are shifting our focus to help companies keep their employees, their community, and their businesses safe.

Now that the World Health Organization has declared COVID-19 a pandemic, companies must implement a pandemic response plan. To help you measure, monitor, and manage your plan, we have launched the Covid-19 Remote Work Readiness Self Assessment. This will help you quickly determine where to focus your efforts to evolve your plan.

The questionnaire takes around 2-3 minutes to complete and generates a 10-page document we'll discuss in our next meeting. From your answers we are going to prepare and send you a personalized report. The report will include some necessary background information and highlight issues that can be fixed quickly to deliver immediate improvements. At the conclusion, should you need guidance, or have questions, your Account Manager at [your MSP] will be available to assist.

As with every challenge, this comes with opportunity to improve and to prosper. What we all learn today will shape the business landscape for years to come.

We hope that you and your loved ones are safe and taking every precaution to protect your health. Our hearts go out to all affected individuals and families around the world.

[Embedded Grader Button: Get Your COVID-19 Remote Work Readiness Score]



Grab this example, make it yours and  blast your clients or prospects to get completion of your grader.

Subject: Covid-19 Remote Work Readiness Self Assessment


Dear, [firstname]


At the [Your MSP] our focus has been on providing businesses with the knowledge and guidance to align their business technology with their business initiatives to support a culture of innovation and success.

As COVID-19 continues to cause disruption and uncertainty in our daily lives and business, we are shifting our focus to help companies keep their employees, their community, and their businesses safe.

Now that the World Health Organization has declared COVID-19 a pandemic, companies must implement a pandemic response plan. To help you measure, monitor, and manage your plan, we have launched the Covid-19 Remote Work Readiness Self Assessment. This will help you quickly determine where to focus your efforts to evolve your plan.

The questionnaire takes around 2-3 minutes to complete and generates a 10-page document we'll discuss in our next meeting. From your answers we are going to prepare and send you a personalized report. The report will include some necessary background information and highlight issues that can be fixed quickly to deliver immediate improvements. At the conclusion, should you need guidance, or have questions, your Account Manager at [your MSP] will be available to assist.

As with every challenge, this comes with opportunity to improve and to prosper. What we all learn today will shape the business landscape for years to come.

We hope that you and your loved ones are safe and taking every precaution to protect your health. Our hearts go out to all affected individuals and families around the world.

[Please complete the Assessment - Link to the Landing Page]


