Push Tickets to your PSA

Convert Platform to-do items like Tickets or Tasks into Tickets in your PSA

There are 2 types of to-do items in the Platform that can be pushed into your PSA as a Ticket.


The first is the Ticket function inside the Gap Analysis report.  While the Recommendation to address the Gap is identified by the Project recommendation, there are times when you may want to generate a to-do item associated with the Gap Statement.

You can enter a name for the item, an estimated time, and a short description.  When this ticket is created in your PSA the Gap Statement will be prepended to the ticket name to provide context for the ticket.


The Second type of to-do is a Task.  A task can be recommended in the Gap Analysis whenever a future state is assessed.  This Task must be defined in the Report Template and the Service Catalogue.   A task can also be created using the Task function at the top of every Widget in the report. You may create a new Task or select one from the Task Template Library.

Each Widget will show the number of tickets created in the context of that widget. All of the Tasks can be viewed by using the Task Widget.  You may add one to any report if it does not already have one.

Once you have to-do created you can selectively push them to your PSA as a Ticket.

Use the Actions button to export, identify the Service Board to create the ticket(s) on, pick the ticket(s) you want to push and click Ok.


In your PSA the ticket names will be prepended with the Gap Statement or Widget Name of their sources for additional Context.