VCIO Excellence Program

Welcome to the VEP Program, here is what you need to know!

Welcome to the vCIO Excellence Program (VEP). You have officially taken your first step in taking your MSP to the next level!


But the most important step in any journey is the next one

In this welcome course, we will walk you through each step of what you need on your journey. So let's get started!

1. Schedule a Planning Session

This is the first step towards your successful use of the VEP.  Once you have subscribed to the VEP you will need to set up a one on one session with a coach to ensure that you have the right tools to be successful.

This person will be your primary point of contact if you need advice for implementing your program.  

Sign up here

2. Sign Up for Masterclass

Ongoing Training is essential to any program.  To ensure that you have the most successful operation possible we have provided on-demand as well as live programs.  Each week there are new masterclasses in the strategic, operational and team tracks that you can sign up for.  

Once signed up you can attend one or all three,  you choose.  If you miss an update you can always check it out on the wistia channel.

Strategic Track

The Strategic Track is built for executive-level engagements focused on vCIO delivery and long term vision.  Here you will learn about how to deliver strategic engagements to your clients as well as a solid cadence to ensure no one falls through the cracks.  

Sign up here

Operational Track

The Operational Track is built to deliver increased project revenue and have a focus on QBRs as well as operational delivery.

Sign up Here

Teams Track

The Teams Track is a great place to start if you are confused about where to begin. Here you will learn to classify your client segments as well as build playbooks to run with for larger teams.  

Sign up here

On-Demand Training

We are all busy and the more you engage with vCIO services the busier your MSP will be.  That is why we have on-demand training.  Subscribe to the channel and you can consume content while you drive between appointments or watch while you are at work.

Subscribe here


3. Community Engagement

Community Email

This should come automatically to you every Tuesday at noon central time. It is a synopsis of the previous week's community update as well as new announcements.  If you wish additional team members to be added to the community updates please email with their names and email addresses.

Forum Access

The forum is where professionals across the world communicate new ideas and share successes in their marketplace. You are now part of an exclusive community of industry leaders. Want to know how things are going in markets across the globe?  This is the place.

Log in, post a message introducing yourself to the community.  Tell us where you are and what you hope to get out of the program!

Weekly Live Updates

Every week we hold a live webinar to answer questions from community members as well as update everyone with the new features we have created to help you be successful. 

Register here: Zoom Registration Link


4. Set SMART Goals

By now you should have met with a vCIO coach, posted in the community and signed up for training.  All that remains is a good solid goal!

I highly recommend two resources to watch to help understand goal building.

Watch: Simon Sinek's Ted Talk


  • Specific - WHAT is your goal?
  • Measurable - How will you know it is successful?
  • Attainable - Can you do this?
  • Realistic - Do you have the resources available now?
  • Timely - Set a date.


As part of your timely success, we want you to sign up for a Quarterly vCIO Review starting today with a professional coach.  Find a time that works and we will review your goals for the program and set up a follow-up session in 90 days.